The Millions: The Corey Vilhauer Book of the Month Club: March 2006

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Friday, March 03, 2006


The Corey Vilhauer Book of the Month Club: March 2006

coverWith my personal sport of choice - professional basketball - surging towards the playoffs, I felt a need to read about sports. I needed to read about jocks and sweat and champions and the like.

Instead, I read about gambling. And politics.

Oh, and a little bit of about sports.

(First, though, an aside. I read three books this month - not very many, I know, but it was a shorter month. One of them was To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.

Yes, it was better than Hey Rube. But with To Kill a Mockingbird being selected as South Dakota's "The Big Read" selection for this year, I figured it would be getting as much press as it could handle ["No, he's not being ironic. Corey is from South Dakota" -- Max]. So I'm going with number two.

Back to the review.)

Really, Hey Rube, a collection of Hunter S. Thompson's columns, isn't about sports at all. It's about gambling, mostly, with a little counter-culture political rants thrown in to balance things out. There's a fair bit about his friends, all of which involves gambling and politics. Still, every once in a while Thompson brings it back to sports.

The primary focus of Thompson's rants usually leans towards the NFL - widely though of as "the gamblers' league" - and with rightful cause. Here you'll delve into the mind of a degenerate gambler; one who understands the subtle difference between getting 10 points against the Colts compared to a measly 9. You'll begin to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a man that loves his friends, but loves even more to take their money.

Above all, though, you'll see the fine line between politics and sports. While both seem incredibly different, you'll find they're not - at their cores, both subjects are nearly identical. Both deal with competing forces that, often times, exhibit nearly opposite styles. Both find themselves hotly debated at all times of the day, regardless of a person's knowledge or competency in the subject. The only real difference is that political leaders are chosen, while in sports the leaders are determined after a long and brutal physical battle.

In fact, politics would be a lot more interesting if they adopted the "physical battle" concept.

Hey Rube is not for the faint of heart. It's vitriolic. It's spit out with a forked tongue. It's full of anti-administration propaganda and cursing. Never before has anyone felt so pained while talking about his favorite sport. Thompson rages that "watching the Baltimore Ravens play football is like watching scum freeze on the eyeballs of a jackass," a line that is as true a sports criticism as "steroids ruined baseball" or "the NFL Pro Bowl is no longer relevant."

The odd thing is how attractive he makes everything sound, while at the same time seemingly hating every minute of it. Thompson's obsession with gambling, football, and his own twisted thoughts sounds unnatural. It is. Still, Hey Rube left me longing to join him. It couldn't have been that horrible to hang out and watch football with Thompson, except for the fact that you might get shot.

Or even worse - you might be convinced to run a marathon with Sean Penn.

Listen, we all miss Hunter. It's still incredibly chic to mention his name and blabber on incessantly about how he was a literary genius and how he'll never be replaced.

In all actuality, this is not Thompson's best book. It's fractured, and it's not in his usual wheelhouse. But it is very good. And if you like sports more than politics, as I do, you'll find more pleasure in Hey Rube than you might find in any of his campaign memoirs.

And as far as his genius is concerned, well, it's true. He was a genius. He filled a specific niche that not everyone respected - and that's fine. Some like him, some revere him, and others can't stand him. That's all part of his shtick. Regardless of your feelings, you have to admit he made an impact.

Even if it was only by pointing out the importance of never betting against Duke basketball.

-Corey Vilhauer
Black Marks on Wood Pulp
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