The Millions: A Year in Reading: Recap

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Saturday, December 23, 2006


A Year in Reading: Recap

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Year in Reading at The Millions. It was great fun. The Millions will be dark for a week or so while the holidays are celebrated. Hopefully, upon its return in early January, the blog will have a new and improved look. In the meantime, here is an index to all the great contributions we got this month:


Bloggers:Millions Contributors:Readers:

A Year in Reading 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
Visit The Millions Book Review Index


Hey, Max. I read the interview you and the other bloggers did, and I thought it was very informative and insightful. I felt some relief when you guys admitted to spending hours composing your posts; I thought I was the only one who spent that long writing my posts (and for the longer pieces, like my reviews or my criticism, it's not unusual for me spend several days writing them). But I also take pride in my blog, and it's obvious that you and the others do as well.

And I'd like to wish you and your family happy holidays.
It took me a while, but I just finished putting together a list of all the books I read in 2006: all 110 of them! This is more than double what I read in 2005, due to various factors (explained in more detail in the post). They're broken down into categories, and I denoted the ones that I liked the best. :)

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